Tuesday, May 27, 2008

True Love

Most young people confuse passion with true love. It is an easy thing to do, because enthusiasm is so strong and so wonderful! The real love needs time to build. It comes from getting to know someone closely their likes not to love nature as to familiarize themselves with the daily problems, etc. It usually starts with enthusiasm, but not necessarily. It is even stronger than the enthusiasm is not flat on you or do you not capable of thinking. It's wonderful, and even better than enthusiasm, because it lasts a lifetime.
Before someone you really love will not kill love. True love does not die. Finally, the enthusiasm is not because it is usually the imagination of a person's wonderfulness, which emerges, it is damaged by such person of the error and tedious habits. The enthusiasm is fun while it takes and should be appreciated for what it is, but you should know that true love is a calm, deeper and more sustainable thing. As he often starts with enthusiasm, it is not necessary. (You deeply love your mother, but has never been fanatical with him.) No, never kill marriage of true love. It is only increased, and it helps develop.